![]() PARIS main international Colloquium (click here) AMSTERDAM conference & WE ARE FREE colloquium GENEVA conference (click here) ISTANBUL & ANKARA seminars (click here) NEW-YORK seminar at the Manhattan College (here) LAUSANNE conference (click here) STOCKHOLM / ILGA WORLD religions pre-conference CALEM 2012 SPIRITUAL RETREAT / Ramadhan (Three days of dhikr and meditations during August 2012 in Marseille - questions and registration for the next CALEM spiritual retreat by email: musulmans.progressistes.france@gmail.com ) |
ARCHIVES CALEM 2014 publications (click here) CALEM 2013 publications (click here) CALEM 2011 publications (click here) CALEM 2010 publications (click here) ___________________________________________ ![]() ![]() |
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& opened to all Spiritual Retreat
17th to 19th November 2012 This year again CALEM main colloquium gathered and trained dozens of activists, intellectuals and citizens from _______________________________
Minutes of Silence in the name of beloved absents thanks to Ani Zonneveld, Emilie Garçon, Abdallah Rawashda _______________________________ A special thought for our brothers and sisters from the Arab world that did not get their visas or were not able to be with us for other reasons... ______________________________ We enjoyed particularly our monring prayers, meditation, dhikr and spiritual songs all together in small group ______________________________ Workshops were very interactive & participative this year thanks to three international facilitators like Pier Cesare Notaro from MOI _____________________________ We also enjoyed the saturday evening spiritual dance show, and the sunday evening theater play! ![]() ![]() ![]() Progressive, inclusive Islam, lesbianism and transidentity Aim: Development of a non-formal, interactive participation of LGBT youth, especially lesbians and transgenders from a Muslim background, developing new representations between citizenship, Islam, double discrimination. For
the third
consecutive year, an International Inclusive Conference was organized
this year in Paris late November, with LGBT, European or Muslim
organizations; seminars, trainings and workhshops were
given by experts from around the world
(it was the 11th CALEM international gathering)
Main Guests / Program: - Ani Zoneveld from MPV - USA - Nevin Oztöp from KAOS - Turkey - Abdennur Prado from ICIF - Spain - Nasreen Amina from Argentina - Amina Wadud, our imam from California And other members of INIMuslim (international networking program to sustain inclusive Muslims) and several other
great intellectuals activists and citizens from France, Europe and around the world.... ![]() Complete program, click here CALEM / INIMuslim 2012 Manifesto: Misogyny,
homophobia or transphobia: Why “progressive” Muslims are not all inclusive
(Also available - in French - on SaphirNews, our partner since 2010 and one of the main French Muslim media) ______________________________________________
NOTA BENE - This year thanks to the financial sponsorship of the European Council's
fund for youth, several European young activists were able to ask for a financial help to attend the
conference (preferentially Women or Transgender or Intersex individuals under 30 yo).
Please find below videos of the main presentations: __________________________ Ani Zonneveld - MPV USA president __________________________ Laura Rodriguez Quiroga - Torre de Babel __________________________ Abdennur Prado - Islamic Feminism Congress_________________________ _________________________ Azzah - Transgender Muslims (CALEM)________________________ Nasreen Ameena - South American Progressive Muslims __________________________ Denis Lefevre - Fédération LGBT de France __________________________ Kristi Pinderi - LGBT pro Albania _________________________ Biljana Stankovic - Novi Sad Lesbian organization _________________________ Dan Littauer - GayMiddleEast and GayStarNews _________________________ _________________________ Arab Muslim LGBT - interactive workshopfacilitated by Pav Akhtar (UK Black pride) _________________________ HIV / AIDS workshop - Qiyaam Jantjies-Zahed & Azzah Dinah Jennah De Riquet (CALEM). ________________________ |
![]() A part of our CALEM's team for the Main Paris 2012 colloquium |
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Secret Garden from Amsterdam invited us: Imam Ludovic Zahed, founder and spokesman of HM2F (Homosexual Muslims's citizen netwokr of France); international coordinator of CALEM. He presented present in avant-première the Green Book and the INIMuslim network, to sustain the creation of a sister organization of HM2F in the Netherlands. Emir Belatoui, founder of the organization Secret Garden, sustaining the creation of an independant inclusive Muslim organization in the Netherlands. Young Inclusive Muslims, sustaining the creation of an inclusive Muslim groups in the Netherland We were around 30 participants for the CALEM Amsterdam conference; Several nationalities were represented at that meeting (Netherlands, France, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Algeria...). It has been decided to maintain from now on once a week a meeting like this in Amsterdam, to permit LGBT Muslims or from a Muslim background in Netherlands to have a free expression space at their disposal, every wednesday evening. __________________________________________
CALEM's Green Book and the French book "Le Coran et la Chair" are also presented at the three days colloquium organized by Secret Garden (27th-30th November 2012) in Amsterdam WE ARE FREE (click here for the program) ![]() |
(The Qur'an and the flesh - March 2012.
Soon to be published in English inch'Allah) _________________________________________
Le Monde - "Pour l'amour de Dieu et des garçons" TÊTU - "Le Coran et la Chair" aux Mots à la Bouche" Il Grande Colibrio, MOI - "Il Corano e la Carne" FRANCE 24 - "Concilier Islam et homosexualité" القرآن والجنس" - 24 فرانس"
Interview of Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed on the Radio Monte-Carlo, about this book (click below): _____________________ _____________________ |
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![]() international, interconfessional conference About 50 participants, and 4 main guests: Imam Ludovic
Zahed, founder and spokesman of HM2F (Homosexual Muslims's citizen netwokr of France); international coordinator of CALEM. Petra Bleisch Bouzar, assistant professor in Religious sciences; University of Fribourg Lucia Dahlab, teacher, Muslim feminist; vice-president of the Union of Muslim organizations in Geneva. Jean-Paul Guisan, theologian, founder of the LGBT Christian association of Geneva; de l'association "Chrétien-ne-s et homosexuel-le-s", City Hall councilor of Geneva. |
Presenting in Geneva also the "Green Book" against homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia"
"Green Book - Tome III " ![]() (Against homophobia, for an Inclusive Islam. Available online for free - please click here) _________________________________________ PRESS ARTICLES ABOUT 20 minutes - "Dialogai s'interroge sur l'islam" 360° - "Homosexualité et islam, REISO - "Non, l'islam n'est pas La Tribune de Genève - "Comment concilier islam et homosexualité" (picture of the article here) _________________________________________ _____________________ _____________________ |
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KAOS & Lambda invited our representative in Ankara, then Istanbul “Homosexual and Muslim-Liberation and Secularism Between Islamophobia and Homophobia” (click here for the PPT presentation).
Ludovic Lotfi Mohamed Zahed, HM2F | Gay Muslims & CALEM Moderator: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Alev Özkazanç, Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Women Studies & KASAUM (Ankara University Women’s Studies Center) “LGBT Struggles in Arabian Geography” Dr. Samar Habib, Independent Scholar, Academician, Lebanon Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Betül Yarar, Gazi University Faculty of Communication & Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Women Studies “The only difference between Queer and LGBT is not alphabetic letters” Anna Maria Sörberg, Author and Journalist, Sweden Moderator: Assist. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Emek Çaylı, Hacettepe University Faculty of Communication We have been joined in Istanbul's Lambda session by our inclusive Muyslim brothers from Gayislam. Read more about the KAOS complete program:
in English here in Turkish here Read more about the Lambda complete program here. |
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![]() Presentation CALEM at the Mnahttan college (thansk to MPV) 1. Women's Shura Council: Daisy Khan of Asma Society 2. Performance by "Coming Out Muslim". 3. Liberating the Palm Trees: A Progressive Muslim teacher’s guide to teenage Angst, Rebellion, and even Atheism. By Yarehk Hernandez 4. What is Religion? Spirituality talk by Sultan Abdulhameed 5. Picnic to Ground Zero Memorial Park and a collective quiet prayer. 6. The similarities between Islamophobia and Homophobia: Imam Daayiee Abdullah: 7. HIV & Islamic Ethics - Kamal Fizazi 8. French and European progressive and/or insclusive Muslims - L.Zahed |
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![]() On the 1st of October 2012 - Thanks to our partner VOGAY. More information (in French) available by clicking here ![]() At this CALEM conference we were about
We beneficiated of an article in the local newspaper 24 HEURES. Here is a short report of what our main guests told us about their
expertise: Mallory Schneuwly Purdie is
in charge of researches at the Observatory of religions in Switzerland. Her
lecture was about three main subjects:
NB: Nicola Charrière wrote a report to encourage his
fellow reformed chaplains to celebrate same sex marriages within the
Switzerland protestant Church, that is planning a special synod about that
specific issue late November. Download here the report towards an inclusive liturgy celebrating same sex marriages. |
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![]() We coorganisons a week of workshops and debates about religion and diversity of genders and sexualities, with the participation of CALEM and 15 main guests coming from Southern countries: Tunisia, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya... More information about it online - http://ilga2012.org/ Or by email - CALEM.conference.2010@gmail.com During the conference, on friday, a Jumu'aa prayer has been celebrated by imams Muhsinh Hendricks and imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed; then the documentary about the Tawheed Umrah' (click here for the travel blog) has been spread to an audience of more than 50 participants (more than a forth of the total of ILGA 2012 participants): |
E-mail: calem.conference.2010@gmail.com