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CALEM | 2013   publications

    CALEM 2013  |  Programs & Timetables

BARCELONA  main international Colloquium (replaced by the international, inter-faith LGBT colloquium in Johannesburg, South Africa. More details below)

JOHANESBURG  our GIN-SOGI annual international interfaith
inclusive LGBT conference 

(CALEM's representatives are part of the Steering Committee meeting - 16th to 19th of August - to prepare our second GIN-SOGI interfaith LGBT international network's meeting in Johanesburg; then about 80 to 100 participants shall be gathering there, late January 2014)
Please send back your Applicants form before the 6th of September (click here)
See also here the 2013 GIN-SOGI first meeting ever.

COPENHAGUEN  "Queer Muslim marriage" seminar, sustained by the Danish government (19th September 2013)

(24th of May 2013)

RABAT  (Morocco)  -  Seminar and conference  
(9th & 10th of May)

PARIS (April) - Seminar about AIDS youth, thanks to TDMES

PARIS (May) - Conference about religion and sexual diversity, thanks to  Alternatives Européennes

PARIS (November) - Seminar at the Amercian University of Paris, presenting CALEM and alternative Islamic liberation theologies (imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, coordinator of CALEM since 2010, & Judith-Ijtihad Lefevre, prime secretary of HM2F)

MARSEILLE  (10th to 20th July)   International Europride  
(10th to 20th July - flyer available here)

FRIBOURG  (Switzerland)  -  Seminar during Pride week  
(21st of June)

MALMÖ  (Sweden)
 -  Documentary and conference  
(28th of June)

COLOGNE  (Germany) -  presenting, with our Fench sister organization Baraka, the documentary about CALEM's inclusive pilgrimage to Mecka (click here)
and how it is related to the Islamic Theology of Liberation's paradigm.

BUJUMBURA  (BURUNDI / CONGO / RWANDA)  -  two days of trainings leaded by CALEM's representative, September 2013, with 20 participants from Central Afrcia
(program, in French, click here) ; the documentaries about our Inclusive Omra to Mecca and our Interfaith pilgrimage to Jerusalem has been part of that two days trainings. Thanks to HUMURE and the GRET.

(Three days of dhikr and meditations during new year's
eve in Marseille. Next spiritual retreat at Fès during the
Sacred Music Festival - 7th to 15th June 2013 -
questions & registration for the next
CALEM spiritual retreat
by email:


CALEM 2014 publications (click here)

CALEM 2012 publications (click here)

CALEM 2011 publications (click here)

CALEM 2010 publications (click here)



    CALEM  2013  |  Copenhaguen,  
            19th of September, presenting  "Queer Muslim Marriage"

Thanks to SABAH :

Ludovic Zahed, founder member of INIMuslim international network and International coordinator of CALEM since 2010, shall be introducing the subject queer Muslim marriages from a theoretical and personnal point of view...

(more details soon inch'Allah).

The first book of its kind (learn more here);
A publications facilitated by the CALEM.


    CALEM  2013  |  Philadelphia (USA),  
            theme of the retreat "Al-Jama'a" (the community)

and to Professor Scott Kugle from the Emory University

To gather together as a community of individuals who identify as Muslim culturally, religiously, ideologically and/or politically and also as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), while reconnecting with our faith, our community and with ourselves...

One of the sponsors for 2012's retreat:


    CALEM  2013  |  Paris, 6th of April
            theme of the Seminar "AIDS youth, the last taboo"

TDMES (member of CALEM since 2010) is happy to spread our documentary "Génération Sida" amongst our partner's volunteers of Solidarité Sida, to isnpire them about original and strong ways to fight back the pandemic.

PS: TDMES conducted for three years an exclusive survey around the world, in 29 countries, in order to illustrate in the best way how children of AIDS are taken care of. The result of this investigation: a book and a documentary that shall be launched on the, Libé, l'Agence Française de Développement, the Minitry of foreign affairs  websites on the 1st of December 2011.

Génération Sida par samizdat

Thanks to Solidarité Sida:


    CALEM  2013  |  Paris,  17th of May
            IDAHO 2013  (International Day Against Homophobia)

Any discrimination based on any ground such as (…) sexual orientation shall be prohibited (Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental rights ).

Several pieces of EU policy, and the Charter of Fundamental Rights in particular, claim that citizens should not be discriminated for their sexual orientation (and gender identity). Nevertheless, in none of the EU countries do LGBT people enjoy full equality with heterosexual citizens. Some member states are very close to full equality, whereas others systematically deprive sexual minorities of their basic rights. The European Union could do a lot more for these people, starting by implementing existing regulations of freedom of movement and non-discrimination which imply, for example, that all same sex couples married or united in a civil union in one European country should automatically be recognised in every other member-state (« mutual recognition »).
Throughout 2011 and 2012, consultations were held on the issue of LGBT rights in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), in Bologna (Italy), in Sofia (Bulgaria) and in Brighton(UK). 

Join us in Paris on the International Day Against Homophobia to elaborate and voice proposals on LGBT rights in Europe!  This consultation will focus on exploring best practices within various EU countries in terms of LGBT rights with the aim of arriving at a set of rights which the participants believe will need to be guaranteed for all LGBT persons throughout Europe, and therefore enforced not only at a national but also at a European level. 

Discussions will take place in French; pannel about religions and sexual diversity shall be moderated by the CALEM representative and international coordinator.


    CALEM  2013  |  Marseille, 10th - 20th July
            During the 10 days international EUROPRIDE  2013

Thanks to the COLLECTIF  IDEM :

CALEM is honored and happy to see that the European LGBT community is giving more and more space to the faith-based organizations like ours for debates, seminars and events during the Europride. More information on the Europride website...

After the Europride, during Ramadan 2013, about 20 participants from France and Europe (Spain, Switzerland, Italy), Indonesia and  and North Africa (especially brothers and sisters from Abu Nawas - Algeria - but also from Tunisia and Morocco) shall prolong our meeting there for a spiritual retreat as we do it each year now in Marseille inch'Allah.

During that retreat we had the honor and pleasure to share an interfaith international celebration at the Anglicane church, downtown Marseille (click here for the prayer list).
We also welcomed during one Iftar, a friday evening, youg adolescent from Le Refuge (a French organization taking care of young adults thrown out of there home because of their homosexuality by their own parents).

Click here to hear the AUDIO FILE (in French) of the seminar given by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed (International coordinator of CALEM since 2010) and Marina Zuccon (president of the Inclusive French Carrefour des Chrétien-nes inclusifs).



    CALEM  2013  |  Fribourg, 28th June
            During the Pride 2013 week events

Thanks to the Université de Pérolles / Fribourg :

Des croyant-e-s commes les autres... ou pas? Homophobie dans des traditions religieuses / Gläubige wie die anderen auch... oder nicht? Homophobie in religiösen Traditionen

Colloque 21 juin 2013, Université de Fribourg, Site de Pérolles 2. Auditoire A230

Remarque / Bemerkung : Le colloque est trilingue, traductions assurés ; das Kolloquium wird dreisprachig sein, Übersetzungen werden angeboten.

Program abvailable here


    CALEM  2013  |  
            28th of June, presenting the first European Inclusive Mosque

Thanks to RFSL Stockholm and to the ARAB INITIATIVE :

”The Inclusive Mosque”, a discussion with Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, moderated by Sanna Lundberg.

Presented by Swedish LGBTQ Initiatives Skåne/arQuzah in cooperation with RFSL Malmö
Friday, June 28, 17 – 20
Barnens Scen, Folkets Park
Falsterbogatan 17, Malmö

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed is the founder of HM2F, the association for gay Muslims of France; founder of MPF, French Progressive Muslims, in charge of the inclusive Mosque; and PhD. Student in anthropology about Islam and sexual diversity. He wrote Le Coran et la Chair, about Islam and homosexuality. An imam, Ludovic maintains that being gay and a feminist is not incompatible with Islam, and that an inclusive place of worship “would give hope back to many.”

The discussion* is aimed at raising the question of Islam as an inclusive religion to the LGBTQ-Muslim community, as well as reducing the stigma associated with being both a practicing Muslim and a member of a sexual minority.

*Please note, photography is not be permitted during the event.


   CALEM  2013  |  RABAT (Morocco),  

            9 to 10th of May

Féminismes et religiosités: perspectives du Sud

Vendredi 10 mai 2013

Intervenant-e-s :
Houria ALAMI, Sara BORRILLO, Johanna BUISSON, Karima DIRECHE, Souad EDDOUADA, Hanane EL MAJIDI, Joumana HADDAD, Asma LAMRABET, Stéphanie LATTE-ABDALLAH, Shuruq NAGUIB, Jean ZAGANIARIS, Ludovic Mohammed ZAHED.

Argumentaire :

Du Maghreb au Machreq, l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs politiques et religieux alimentent aujourd’hui des débats effervescents dans différents pays du Sud, notamment sur l’avenir de la condition des femmes dans des sociétés souvent marquées par des logiques dites patriarcales. Les transformations politiques intervenues ces dernières années dans les pays sud-méditerranéennes ont nourri l’impression de changements importants achevés ou en voie de gestation. Fort de ce constat et conscient de la polysémie des vocabulaires usités, cette journée tentera d’analyser l’articulation entre féminisme et religion en dépassant la simple opposition d’un féminisme laïque à un féminisme islamique. En illustrant les multiples compréhensions pratiquées des féminismes et des religiosités et en parcourant la diversité des luttes féministes, ces échanges mettront en avant la richesse des débats en cours à travers trois axes principaux –chacun d’entre eux explorant un champ d’action privilégié par les acteurs. D’abord, le regard est porté sur les réinterprétations contemporaines de textes sacrés à travers un prisme résolument féministe. Ensuite, l’activisme féministe est analysé au niveau du discours politique et de l’espace public. Enfin, une attention particulière est accordée aux expressions littéraires de combats visant une libération corporelle, sexuelle, identitaire et religieuse.

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Ouverture :

Lieu :
Ecole de Gouvernance et d’Economie de Rabat  – EGE
Avenue Mohammend Ben Abdellah Regragui
Madinat Al Irfane BP 6283
10112 Rabat

Pour plus d’infos : et


Retraite spirituelle & conviviale 2013   |   Programme en cliquant ici

2013 Spiritual & convivial retreat  |  Program click here

Documentary about our Fez 2013 retreat:


If you have a problem seeing from here the documentary,
please go to Youtube by clicking here.

Some pictures of the retreat:



More pictures by clicking here...

