guest invited at calem 2010 (archives below)

HM2F wants to offer a chance our sister organizations to work together, on a solid ground and respectful relationship.
HM2F used to be a Muslim group; since January 2010 is it a very active non-profit independant organization.
They say they do not want to be leaders; they are offering a concrete help and they shall share their almost 15 years of trust and counselling as an international queer Muslim organization.
Trans Aide is a French transidentitary organization, that help HM2F organizing that first conference. They want to learn more about Islam and they have among them queer Muslims, also questionning their identity, sexuality and gender.
- - merhaba (belgium)
Merhaba is an association that has been working for almost ten years, to advise and support queer Muslims, respecting each and every one point of view.
This association is incorporated into the Muslim community in Belgium.
- - abu nawas (algeria)
- - Al-Khamsa (Maghreb network - introduced by one of its tunisian member)
- - palestinian women, former coordinator from aswat (speaking in her name, not in the name of her organization)
We have to put ego and
personal ambitions aside to truly fulfill our Lord’s will. We
shall all be
united; we do need each others. We do need the help of each and every
Muslim organization.
Our European sister
organizations ought to feel fully integrated as full founder members. No
organization will be able to withdrawn a better benefit than her
sisters, otherwise
this project shall be doomed
Each organization ought to
stay free; nobody has to take the lead upon others. To be in peace,
ought to be built on common progressive Muslim values, trust,
transparency and
true sister-brotherhood. Thank you for your very wise advices and
May Allah be with us all in
our glorious projects!
2011 guests & global
context, click here
2010 queer muslims' international political context (archives below)
We think that queer Muslims need to inform
the Muslim community about who LGBTQIA individuals are really are; we
together, adopt a common long term strategy to fight for our rights and
human dignity!
At the French National Assembly on the 17th
of may 2010, HM2F and imam Tarek Oubrou – a French Theologian
very well known
for his Islamic progressive values concerning women and now LGBT
individuals –
confirmed that nowhere in the Quran nor in the Sunnah homosexuality is
condemned by nature, that homophobia is against the Islamic ethic!
For HM2F, it means that our long term
strategy is working, as a Muslim group and now as an official queer
strong and well built organization. Hence for almost 15 years, TIC has
been working
conscientiously to open the path for queer Muslims around the World. At
last AIR | 2010 – the 7th annual international retreat, in
South Africa – around
ten nationalities were represented. Today, The Inner Circle is
expanding its
mentorship, also throughout Europe.
There is several ways to build that common
international umbrella. It appears that we have to proceed through
networking first, before gathering again in Cape Town next year to talk
long term strategy. HM2F wants to give the foot to its sister European
organizations that have to be informed on the basis of trust and total
transparency, rather than follow other’s project they know
nothing about (…).
Thus, on autumn 2010 HM2F and TIC gathered for the first time our sister organizations in Paris on October the 9th and 10th, to talk together mainly with imam Muhsin Hendricks – from The Inner Circle, and its project of an international queer Muslim umbrella – about the best way to free our people from stigma, violence and discrimination!
We all have different histories and different background; our TAQWAH is the strength of our faith. Our differences are a human holy treasure! As queer Muslims, it is the basis of our common progressive Muslim values... HM2F thinks that each organization ought to stay free; nobody has to take the lead upon others. Organizing parties and conferences is good, but never forget that our brothers and sisters are suffering, they need us now!
Today for us it is obvious that LGBTQIA organizations are at the forefront of an emerging truly inclusive Islam.
CALEM 2010 - long term cooperation proposal (archives below)
We would like to share with all our sister organizations, our information concerning several organizations' proposal concerning a long term hypothetical cooperation (p.2 of the program):

CALEM 2010 - main contacts (archives below)

Organized on
the initiative of the citizen
network HM2F – homosexual Muslim de France
Ludovic Lotfi Mohamed ZAHED – founder
and spokesman
Tél : 0659919012
Email :
Organised in
association with Trans
– national representant
Tél :
president of the committee IDAHO
Tél :
main guests - calem 2010 (archives below)

Imam in the world to accept his homosexuality;
The key player in the documentary
"Jihad for Love"
Sharma - 2007 -
Founder of the only
International LGBTQI Muslim
organization, in
South Africa - The Inner Circle.
The second
openly gay imam in the world.
Linguist, lawyer, consultant to various LGBTQI Muslim organizations.
Having studied Oriental languages in China and Saudi Arabia.
Contact :
Lasnier, representing Bertrand DELANOË
mayor of Paris
Ambassador of France for Human rights