AOZIZ est un réseau que nous souhaitons ouvert, inclusif et intersectionnel, afin de lutter contre l'exclusion sociale dans le secteur culturel. Cette structure crée les conditions d'une plus grande diversité dans le secteur. Ce réseau s'est constitué à Marseille, à partir de 2018, autour des questions intersectionnelles des droits LGBTQ+, des migrant-es ou demandeurs d'asile et des minorités en général
(féministes, musulman-es, porteurs de handicaps, etc.).

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AOZIZ is a network of inclusive houses founded by two live performance companies based in Marseille, as a humanities research organization.

With a particular capacity to work with mixed groups of disabled and non-disabled people, discriminated minorities or migrant people, body, arts and intersectionality practices are at the heart of the AOZIZ project. Our aim is to stimulate new intercultural encounters, and thus, create a meeting point for diversity and the creation of alternative ways of being together.

To do so, AOZIZ hosts a varied program of courses, workshops, conferences and residencies, inviting artists and audiences to deepen their research and exchange their ideas.

AOZIZ was present at the international bienal, Manifesta 13 Marseille (despite the issues we had to face), which wished to highlight this local initiative, opened to all. Our network is also present during Marseille Prides, and is closely working each year with the Festival of Marseille, alongside with associations of migrants, health prevention NGOs, and those fighting against all discriminations.

AOZIZ is a space of embodied meetings, which will extend its activities permanently. It takes the language of inclusion and makes it exist in bodies and spirits. It is a place centered on practices, bonds between people. It makes no judgment on what ideal bodies or identities should be, but rather cultivates the aesthetic based on relationships, through an intersectionaly queer perspective.