فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ  (Coran 21.7)

''Ask the followers of the Reminder if ye know not!"

 INSTITUTE  |  Rumi's  Isiphephelo

The CALEM Institute offers you the opportunity to benefit its training, on the basis of renowned studies, in relationship to the reform of our representations of contemporary Islam, respecting human rights and towards universally egalitarian societies.

> OUR VISION: make of Islam a factor of emancipation for all

>  OUR MISSION: training imams, teachers and students, in Islamic liberation theology

: sustaining efforts of progressive Muslims around the world,towards
inclusive & egalitarian societies, fully aware of their universal potential.

A - PIT (Progressive Islamic Training)

Level I (basic Islamic progressive & inclusive values),
to enable all participants to acquire the tools for their own liberation.
An example of the themes addressed (list evolving each year, not exhaustive):

1 - Gender and Islam
2 - Liberation theology
3 - Feminism and Islam
4 - Pillars of dogmatic Islam
5 - Pillars of the dogmatic faith
6 - Prophetic ethics of dialogue
7 - Islam and intersectional ecology

Level II : practice the basics of Islamic lithurgy,
in an inclusive and peaceful manner; examples of practices to acquire:

1 - Marriage blessings celebrations
2 - Full consciousness meditation (dhikr)

3 - Inter-religious and intersectional dialogues
4 - Basic Arabic and Quranic reading (tajwid)
5 - Friday group sermons and prayers (djumu'a)
6 - Spiritual retreats and/or pilgrimages, if possible
7 - Non-invasive energetical healing (rukya / reiki)



B - Dedicated to: 

- imam (« guide » : men, women, trans., intersex...),

- ustadh (« teacher »),

- daa'iya (« engaged citizen »),

- tilmidh (« student ») :

You have the desire to commit yourself to a progressive, 
universally inclusive Islam, adapted to our modern socio-politic reality, 
and based on humanistic values?

Whatever are your origins, your gender, your religious convictions,
get involved and join us! The "revivification of Islam" (
ihya 'ulum al-din)
is our collective responsibility, inch'Allah:

Detailed programs of our training by email.
Several trainings / week (1.3 hours / session in person or online).
Regular exams, inclusive weekends and international guest speakers.




C - Methodology

1) Expertise: The CALEM Institute has been working for twenty years for egalitarian representations of our cultural and religious identities. We invite you to take part in our training courses, which are scheduled every Friday at our Progressive Islamic Center (Marseille), or by video conference (Skype & Periscope) for participants residing elsewhere than in France.

2) Intersectionality: We will discuss the Islamic theology of liberation, inclusive and humanistic interpretations of the Qur'an, epistemology of the Arabic language, Muslim mystical traditions, Social sciences, humanities and historiography, applied to the field of inclusive Islamology. 

3) Sharing: The main idea of ​​these trainings is to learn from each other, while respecting the everyone's freedom of consciousness (shura), respecting the rules of politeness, clearly stated at the start of your training (adab), as well as the specifications of these training courses mentioned above. Our sessions will alternate between reformed islamology and a review of scientific books, adapted to the academic level of each participant and in relation to our topics.

4) Visibility: Theses weekly trainings will be given mainly by Doctor and Imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, in collaboration with other intellectuals who will be invited occasionally to participate in our reflections, researches and dynamic learning.

5) Commitment: No special qualifications are required to participate in our weekly training courses, although studies, past or current, in the areas covered, would be a plus for your application. When considering your application, we prefer as much as possible, personal motivation, empathy and good character, as well as the desire for personal fulfillment and future community commitments, rather than past achievements.

6) Evaluation: Weekly summaries will be sent to the participants (attendance at the sessions is required), two annual exams will be organized (January and June). Finally, an end-of-year dissertation will be required; Our Academic Council (made up of progressive Muslim scholars) will examine the latter, the best of them will be published by CALEM editions.

7) Certification: At the end of your training (over one or two years), and according to your past curriculum, you will receive a certificate attesting to your continued training as imam, ustadh, daa'iya or tilmidh. The academic levels of the participants will be diverse, so efforts, interactions, openness and patience will be required of all. Participants to the training will be able to judge the quality of our courses by means of an anonymous questionnaire at the end of the year.



D - Perspectives

At the end of this course, the certificate issued by the CALEM Institute will enable you, inch'Allah, to give more credit to your future commitments in various environments (mosques, universities, prisons, social centers, etc.), within progressive and inclusive Muslim communities, currently emerging around the world.

The Prophet of Muslims  is supposed to have said:

"Certainly, at the beginning of each century Allah will grant this Ummah (community)

those who will revive its religion” (Abu Dawud)

Thanks to the progressive imam-as who will join us at some parts of our classes to share with us some of their lights: see the INIMuslim network here

  • For any additional questions: info@calem.eu / Phone: 0033667466406
  • Monthly registration fee (free donations according to your means)
  • Free pinctual accomodation on site possible
  • Send us a CV by email