
استعراض الصحافة

نقاش فرانس24

(Debat on France 24 in Arabic, wednesday 24 April 2013)

نحن هنا لنبارك زواج الامرأتين"

"علاقة السويديين مع الاسلام مرتاحة"

The gay imam (France culture French radio)

"I am moral courage": Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed

A mosque for gays (Yourope - ARTE)

Homosexuality & Islam : debat between Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed & Tariq Ramadan (TV 23 - video)

A Space for Individuality (Harvard Crimson)

Gay marriage: mobilization continues (Saphirnews)

Portrait of Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed (RFI)

The first "gay-friendly" mosque (BFM TV)

Paris open first gay-friendly mosque (BBC)

"Forbidden talk: homosexuality in Middle East" (Levant TV - London)

Inclusif Islam, a mosque for everyone (France Culture)

Gay & Muslim (Huffingtonpost)

Life as a gay imam isn't as bad as it sounds (VICE UK magazine)

Arabes & homosexuality (RUKH magazine)

" The gay believer " (Tel quel, Maroc)

The "gay friendly" does not have only friends (Courrier international)

"Allahou Akbar" (Winq Magazine)

Al-Azhar condemns the marriage of two gay Muslims in France (CNN)

A gay imam marries a couple of Iranian lesbians during the Pride (TV Sweden)

"Queer in Africa - confronting the crisis" (Daily Maverick - South Africa)

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed's performance  of universal French citizenship and good Muslim brotherhood

"I am Algerian, homo and Muslim" (chouf-chouf.com)

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed: an Islam for all

All together at the Friday prayer

Qur'an does not forbid homosexuality

Mosque for gays to open in France

Imam Ludovic M. Zahed's "Queer Muslim Marriage"

Gay Muslim imam brings message of tolerance to Europe

Animate - Imam of the gay mosque (Blog in English)

"Love against all the ods" - marriage of an Iranian lesbian couple

Imam to marry same sexe couples under pride (Radio Sweden)

Att var imam och homosexuell (Swedish)

Masjid gay (Indonesia)

A primeira mesquita "gay" do mundo (Bresil)

Imam gay y feminista existe

A Parigi, nella prima moschea "inclusiva" d'Europa

Nu finns homoskén

Gay marriage: Muslim representatives join opposition

Paris activist to test taboos with gay friednly mosque

One of the 2012 most popular gay in France

Interview of L.Zahed by France 24, here.

France 2, documentary intetiled « Et Allah dans tout ça » 

France 5, the documentary in « Teum Teum » ; 2 April 2011 called « Sexualité dans les quartiers : le dernier tabou ? »

Les Courriers de l’Atlas ; article for the creation of HM2F

Two homosexual Muslims (Ludovic and his partner) got getting married: "Mariage gay, les musulmans aussi"

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed: the intellectual who conjugates homosexuality and Islam

France: the first gay marriage celebrated by an imam

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed: the sturggle of a homosexual Muslim

Rue89, in collaboration with Respect magazine ; an interview with Tareq Oubrou, imam of the mosque of Bordeaux & Ludovic Zahed, as founder and spokesman of HM2F.

Moslem schwul - und willkommen (Germany)

Ich bin schwul und Muslim - und das ist gut so

Schwul, Muslim und selbstbewusst

Muslimische hochzeit für gleichgeschlechtliche paare in Schweden

Imam gej opowiada o homoseksualizmie w islamie (Poland)

Europas erste Moschee für Schwule

Têtu magazine : an LGBT French magazine :

#  About homosexual Muslims

#  Homophobia of some religious authorities

#  CALEM 2010: two gay imams gathered in Paris

الكتب والمنشورات العلمية

Co-direction of a special issue of Les Cahiers de la Transidentités (under press)

Zahed, L., M. (2014). “A radically alternative Islamic LGBT corporalities and religiosity” (2014 - under press). In Leituras Antigas; Pernanbuco Univesridade, Brazil.

Zahed, L., M. (2013). “Habib, Samar (ed.): Islam and Homosexuality | Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq: Homosexuality in Islam”; in Cahiers d’études africaines, 209-210 (2013 - Masculin pluriel).

"Queer Muslim Marriage", (2013 - Kindle)

"Le Coran et la Chair"  (2012 - Max Milo)

"Révoltes extraordinaires" (An AIDS child around the world - 2011, L'Harmattan)

"From Darkness to Light" (2011 - contribution to the SOS Homophobia annual report)

"Green Books - against homophobia, transphobia & lslamophobia" (between 2010 and 2014, each 17th of May)

''Inclusive imam-as training manual" (400 p., more information here)

''About the concept of Tawheed - Islamic Unicity ''
 (The Inner Circle  mosque - TIC, South Africa). June 2014 - PART ONE ; PART TWO

Consciousness of Tawhid, the cure for axiological dysphoria?"(first  Khoutbah of the Unicity mosque - tall the sermons from the first European inclusive mosque online here)

حلقات دراسية في الجامعات

What is a vulnerable body
(one day seminar at the EGE - Morocco school of political and economic sciences; one study day at the EHESS - French school of advanced social studies; February, then May 2014)

Abdennur Prado, Laure Rodriguez-Quiroga & the International Congress on Islamic Feminism (For the seminar "Féminités, masculinités en révolution?" - EHESS, 22 november 2012; videos available here)

Amina Wadud & the lslamic feminism (For the seminar "Féminités, masculinités en révolution?" - EHESS, 13 december 2011; videos available here)

حلقات دراسية في الجامعات - مشارك

"The middle in the West: bound by mutual interest" (presentation at the University of applied Sciences of Amsterdam, thanks to Phuong Mai Nguyen and her colleagues; 9 December 2014).

"Questionning gender and sexual diversity" (presentation at the Université  of Western Cap, department of education ;  22 october 2014).

"Queer in Africa: new Islamic theologies of liberation" (presentation at the Université of Cap Town, thanks to Zethu Matebeni from the departement of HUMA; symposium of June the 2nd 2014).

"Radically alternative Islamic LGBT corporalities & religiosities" (presentation at the University of Boston from the 21st to the 23rd of April 2014, thanks to Saiful Saleem president of the association francophone de BU. Vidéo in french here, in english here)
Presentation also done at the
MIT - Massachusset Institue of Technology (during the seminar of Lerna Ekmekcioglu; 25th April 2014).

"Queer Muslim identities and negative theology" (during the seminar of Djamel Bekkai at Boston University "Topics and Arab culture" - 25th April 2014 ; thanks also to professor Odile Cazeneuve).

"Islamic feminism, queer Muslims and the veil in France" (during the seminar of Liliane Dusewoir at Boston University "Composition and conversation" - 25th April 2014).

"Representations & realities of Islam in France" (presentation at the Amercian University of Paris by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed & Judith-Ijtihad Lefevre, first secretary of HM2F ; seminar of Michel Bondurand).

"Believers as the others... or not? Homophobia within religious traditions / Gläubige wie die anderen auch... oder nicht?" Homophobie in religiösen Traditionen  (Colloquium, 21st of June 2013, University of Fribourg)

"Homosexuality in Islam" (presenting the book from Scott Kugle, for the seminar  "Harem et déspotisme" - EHESS, 15th  January 2013).

"Islam radicaly alternative, religiosity & identity perspectives of avant-garde" (Présentation at the colloquium 10th of May 2013, University of Rabat, with Houria ALAMI, Sara BORRILLO, Johanna BUISSON, Karima DIRECHE, Souad EDDOUADA, Hanane EL MAJIDI, Joumana HADDAD, Asma LAMRABET, Stéphanie LATTE-ABDALLAH, Shuruq NAGUIB, Jean ZAGANIARIS, Ludovic Mohammed ZAHED).

"Sexual minorities at the vanguard of mutations to Islam of France"  (presentation of my thesis in anthropology at the l'EHESS - Paris, for the seminar " Identités et pratiques homosexuelles dans le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’islam contemporains " at the l'EHESS, 14th of May 2012)

المقالات وبلوق

Feminists theologians of Islam (Le Monde, Tribune of the 18th February 2013)

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed : gay and Muslim, he keeps the sermon (Jeune Afrique)

Why I want to open a gay friendly mosque in Paris (The Guardian)

Progressive imams around the world answer homophobic violence of Al-Azhar in Egypt (Huffington post)

For an inclusive Islam (Huffington Post)

Progressive Muslims violence that only tend to confirm provocative and insulting caricatures towards our Prophet ASWS 

(a statement presented on the BBC TV and radio - podcast click here)

I am gay, married and Muslim: Islam does not have to control my sexuality

I am Muslim, gay, feminist: for an equalitarian, inclusive Mosque

Eluded attack against a mosque (Nouvel Obs)

Misogynie, homophobie, transphobie : pourquoi les musulmans "progressistes" ne sont-ils pas tous inclusifs ?

The radical inclusivity of North-American Progressive Muslims

Homonationalism: Liberation of homosexual Muslims of France, beyond Islamophobia and anti-Semitism

Tariq Ramadan & les homosexuels musulmans de France

The extremely violent dehumanization of "infrahumanization"

Homosexuality is not a sin by nature according to Islam,
neither a crime, nor a perversion, nor a pathology

Inclusive Muslims against serophobia (appeal of the 1st December 2010)

NGO Blogs

'Tawheed 'Umrah: an inclusive pilgrimage with the woman imam Amina Wadud at the sources of Islam (to Mecca & Madinah)

LGBT & Spiritualities in Israël & Palestine:
meetings at the vanguard of a dialogue for peace

AIDS Children World Tour (2008 - 2009)


DOCUMENTARIES – Production and / or edition

المؤتمرات والخلوات

All activities of the CALEM's confederation (until 2014), since Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed (founder of the CALEM Cabinet) was its international coordinator between 2010 and 2014  (all our publications are available here):

- L. Zahed co-administrated the 100.000 euros of budget for the GIN-SSOGIE in 2014 (as founder member of the Steering Comittee for the launch colloquium of the global interfaith network in Johannesburg, January 2014).

- L. Zahed also administrated the 7.000 euros of the Youth European Council's fund (as founder and international coordinator for the CALEM main colloquium in Paris, November 2012).