
[English below]

Shams - LGBT Tunisia | COC - Netherlands' government

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Le Cabinet CALEM ainsi que le réseau informel de la Confédération CALEM (contacts ici),
soutiennent pleinement la première association Nord Africaine à avoir obtenu son agrément, en Tunisie.
Aujourd'hui cette association, ainsi que ces représentants, se trouve sous le coup de menaces réelles, dangereuses.
Merci à l'Ambassade des Payx-Bas et à la plus grande fondation LGBT en Europe, COC, pour sa réunion du 26 juin (par-pa@minbuza.nl).
Les représentants de CALEM y seront, en soutien à tous ces remarquables représentants LGBTQI, que nous vous conseillons aussi de contacter.

PS - Le communiqué de presse de l'association SHAMS (Tunisie) se trouve en pièce jointe de ce communiqué.
Veuillez contacter directement COC Netherlands si vous voulez assister à leur réunion parisienne concernant les combats LGBT en Europe.


The CALEM Cabinet and the informal network of the CALEM Confederation (contact here)
fully support the first North African association which was able to obtaine its official approval, in Tunisia.
Today this association and its representatives, is facing real, dangerous threats because they defend human rights.
Thanks to the Netherlands Embassy, in cooperation with the largest LGBT European foundation, COC, for its meeting on the 26th (
Representatives of CALEM will be there in support of these outstanding LGBTQI
representatives; we also recommend you contact them to offer your support.

PS - Thanks to contact COC Netherlands directly if you want to attend their Paris meeting about LGBT struggles in Europe.
SHAMS (Tunisia) press release is translated in English above:

"To whom it may concern
To all written and audiovisual media
To those who hurted us by their words and continue to do so
To those who sustained us and those who did not
To all sister organizations who helped us during these difficult moments
We address this press release to you:

We, the SHAMS organization, as any other organization who flourished after the dignity revolution, wish to work as a full member of the Tunisian civil society.

We do not want at all to fuel any kind of violence, nor stress the already existing fractures within our society. That is the reason why we address you this press release that, it is our hope, will put an end to all ambiguities concerning our vision and our goals.

First of all, our organization made the vow to fight back discriminations made to sexual minorities in Tunisia, by bringing to these latest a support from a psychological and legal perspective.

Second of all, the organization SHAMS would like to participate actively to the national program against HIV / AIDS (PNLS) in collaboration with the health ministry, the social affairs ministry, and the other civil society organizations which work within this field. Today, this priority fight is far from being easy according to the difficulties in terms of contacting directly these marginalized minorities.

Third of all, the organization SHAMS include within its goals to fight against youth suicide. This societal phenomenon is getting worse everyday, and concern specialy these sexual minorities we defend.

Finally, to strengthen ties between Tunisian citizens by promoting tolerance values is the very basis of our organization.

Our constitution garantees individual liberties and equality between each and every citizen, thus that is on the same impetus that we claim the right of any individual for protection and well-being.

President of the Organization
Yadh Krandel

The executive Bureau"

Docteur & imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, Director of the CALEM Cabinet – www.calem.eu / info@calem.eu / 0 (033) 667 087 066

* Le cabinet CALEM est régulièrement consulté par des gouvernements et des fondations, en Europe ou dans le monde entier, principalement à propos du statut des réfugiés et de la formation des imams (chefs musulmans). Ce service est toujours réalisé par notre équipe professionnelle sans honoraires. CALEM a reçu le prix de SOS homophobie en 2010, a été soutenue par le Conseil européen en 2012, était conseiller à la cour de justice britannique pour le statut des réfugiés, était conseiller pour le gouvernement français concernant la loi sur le mariage pour tous, et conseiller pour la constitution de l’ILGA Africa.